EL Pulpo returns to San Diego!

One of the most creative forces in Argentine Tango. A true Tango Master with 20 years experience as teacher, choreographer, and performer.

Join us for Workshops at El Mundo del Tango on July 12 and 13th 5-pm. More Info.

Directions to El Mundo:

At ther request of out of state visitors, we are getting together tonight with Pulpo for an impromptu Advanced Level workshop/practica.

Directions to Dance Place.

Pulpo, one of the most creative dancers in Argentine Tango, is returning to San Diego with Stephanie Lepue and will offer all level late afternoon early evening workshops on Saturday the 12th and Sunday the 13th at El Mundo del Tango.

Pulpo and Stephanie

The Argentine, NORBERTO (“El Pulpo”) ESBREZ, has almost 20 years of professional experience as a dancer, tango teacher and choreographer. He carefully researched and developed a very personal technique and style. His movements are done continuously, very round and smooth. Complex sequences of ganchos, sacadas and enganches are totally improvised. The fluidity of his style and his ability with the legs was perceived in such way at the milongas of Buenos Aires that he was given the nickname "El Pulpo" (the octopus).  His deep understanding of the legwork in tango also made him known in Buenos Aires and all over the world as "The King of Ganchos".

Tirelessly studious, he is constantly discovering and adding new movements to the tango vocabulary such as: enganches, enredadas, suspensión, the ocho "loco", crosses with change of weight and other figures that he hasn´t named yet. Today, he´s considered one of the most creative tango dancers.

Pulpo’s clear, relaxed, and humorous style of instruction helps students

achieve greater precision, fluidity and legwork.

Saturday, July 12th:
5:00  - Tecnica del Pulpo (All Levels)
6:00  - Everything from the Crusada
7:00  - Barridas with flair and fluidity

Sunday, July 13th: 
5:00 - Pulpeadas: signature octopus like movements.
6:00 - Pasos Girados: movements with turning axis
7:00 - Trap Sacadas and new Pulpo creations.

Cost:                          Entire Workshop $65, 1 day $40, 1 lesson $20

                                    Students: First Class $15, additional classes $10, sixth class Free.

Location:                EL MUNDO DEL TANGO 6904 Miramar Rd # 110,  San Diego, CA

                                    For more information or to register:  (858) 689-2422

Private Lessons:  Call Florentino Guizar at 858-453-9680.